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Flowers to Share

Hello Eagle Artist....HapPy SpRiNg BrEak!!

I thought I would just stop in to say hello!! HELLO!! I hope you are having a relaxing and wonderful spring break! While I am enjoying the time with my family I am working on things for when we "come back" next week.

Please keep creating and sharing your art projects with me. Make sure to check out the gallery to see what other Eagle's are creating.

Speaking of sharing... there are quite a few wonderful people who are not allowed to have visitors at the nursing homes where they live. How about we brighten their day and send them some flower drawings! I know they will love anything you make and send them.

Here is the address of a local nursing home that would love to receive your creations for their residents:

Lincoln Village

1330 West Lincoln Avenue

Port Washington WI 53074

Attention Amy

Create, Share & Love,

Mrs. Grover

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